Signature hex-shaped patches for rips and tears in outdoor gear and outerwear.
Peel & Stick – No sewing skills or heat required; simply remove the backing and apply to the surface with pressure
Washable – Fabric tape is sealed with a waterproof coating and won’t peel off during a wash or a storm (wait 24 hours after application to wash)
Durable – These easy-to-use, long-lasting patches adhere to nylon, polyester, and other synthetic fabrics.
Compatible – Make barely noticeable repairs to rips and tears with the nylon variety that comes in Black, Clear, Green, Coyote, OD Green, Orange, Gray, or Blue.
Multipurpose – Sticks to almost any surface to repair camping gear including tents, hammocks, sleeping bags, backpacks and more
Size: Black and Clear combo comes with (4) Large patches.
All other colors come with (2) Small and (2) Large patches. (Small: 1.5” x 1.65”, Large: 2.5” x 2.8”)